Monday, January 11, 2010

Hotels, Hotels, Hotels.....

Here are some places that are in the area...and that would make walking around downtown, getting to restaurants - and Tim Horton's - very easy! Everyone in St.John's - especially the bride to be - enjoys a 'twack around'.

The list of hotels are located under accommodations.

Happy New Years!!!

Happy New Year everyone!
We are now counting down towards our wedding day in July. Yep, only 186 more days!

We will be posting information about local hotels / lodging ...there are some nice B&B's as well as some boutique hotels in the downtown area...just be warned, one of St.John's claim to fame is "George Street. So, any of the hotels around this street will probably be noisy once the 2am crowds let out : )

Just an FYI...July is a popular time on the East Coast...lots of tourists, weddings etc. So, if you think you might to book a room, car or what not, we really suggest not leaving it any later than April at the latest. Small town = short supply!

As well, we'll be assigning 'adopt-a'family' homes for those who would like to stay with Jenn's family. They have been kind enough to open their homes, and are more than happy to have guests! Please let us know if you would like to be adopted!

For the ladies, my lovely Maid of Honor, Miss Dana Parsons, is organizing a quick spa date on the 15th - so please let Jenn know if you would like to come along. The more the merrier! Manis, pedis ..whatever you like!

And don't forget to keep an eye out for Air Canada seat sales!!